The Big Picture
My passion is Physio-Logical Psychotherapy. Personal transformation that results from combining the Science of Neuroplasticity (brain adaptation), with the Art of Psychotherapy. This approach utilizes several types of psychotherapy plus biofeedback, mindfulness, and sometimes medication. It's based on a neuro-biological model I developed to explain personal transformation called The Network Balance Model.

Physiological Psychotherapies
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and Coherence Therapy are physiological psychotherapies that target the remarkable capacity of the brain to edit, update and in some cases erase painful memories ("Memory Re-consolidation"). EMDR uses eye movements to search and test memory based predictions, while Coherence Therapy facilitates an experience of symptoms in their original context which rapidly drives memory updating.
For a deep dive on how I think EMDR and Coherence Therapy work in the brain click.

Heart Rate Variability feedback (HRV-f)
HRV-f is a new technology that allows a person to fine tune and balance the nervous system on a deep level. And with this enhanced capacity for self-regulation comes improved performance across a wide variety of activities. Life flows more easily.
Click below to read Dr. Chamberlin's interview on PsychCentral:
Part I Can Heart Rate Biofeedback Improve Therapy's Effectiveness?

Growth Promoting Psychopharmacology
Symptoms often point in the direction of problems that need attention. That's helpful. But if you're overwhelmed, not sleeping, and can't think straight, that's not. When other approaches fall short, the right medicine at the right dose can help bring symptoms back into the range where they can promote growth. And when medicine hasn't worked before, genetic testing can help identify the right medicine for you.